Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Vent vent moan groan. Wahhhhh!

HI everyone or no one,

It is Tuesday and I have no kids this morning, YAY me! This is such a rarity that I thought I would put my time to some good use and blog. It's funny but when I woke up and realized that I have about 2 and a half hours to myself I felt confused and not sure what to do first. Should I go for a walk and get some exercise? Or I could play my favorite game on-line? Or clean?(that one was first OFF the list, lol) Well I guess Blog and then clean up.

So lets see IM not sure how many of you know that my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant since April. It's been a little tougher these past few weeks knowing that we still aren't but I keep in mind that the longer it takes me maybe the less time I will have to spend prego in the Summer. That has kept me not so down in the dumps for a while but it's wareing off now and I will be miserable through the summer as long as I knew that we were about to expand our home with a new little one.
I know some of you may think IM crazy and I already have a house full of kids, but I love kids and I have been watching all these other people's babies and it has been really playing with my emotions. My girls would be such good big sisters and I can't wait to go through the whole experince with a man that I love and loves me. I didn't get that with Ayda and I would love to have the whole daddy is with me and taking care of me experience. I loved being pregnant with Ayda, it was one of the very best things that has ever happend in my life. I would have more than one more if we had the money. I love big families, I feel I give my love and attention as equaly as possible to all the girls and could do that with a new child.
Well I guess all we can do is pray and wait.

I think IM done venting for today, maybe I will get back on another time and download some pictures of our day at the tree farm picking out or Christmas tree. I can't believe it's that timeof year again. This year has flown by.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Time flys when your busy.....

Wow it really has been a long time since I have done this. I can't believe how time has flown by this year. This month alone has surprised me by how busy we have been. The second week of October Stacy's ex wife came and stayed with us so she could visit with Cheyenne for her birthday. We took Cheyenne bowling at one of our favorite place. It's very cool there and we have our own hostess every time we go, never been to a bowling ally that has a hostess for every group that comes in. Anyway, she had a few of her friends (all cousins and sisters) come and we had a blast!! The tiniest one playing was Kyra and she is 2, so cute! Then we have Omi (grandma) who is 80 something. We got pizza and I made a cake. It was alto of fun and Cheyenne had a blast!

Then 2 weeks later I was off to Maryland to visit my sister in Columbia. It was allot of fun we had a good time shopping and went out to eat a few times. It's really cool how we have grown closer to each other these past few years. She is so happy and in love with her wife I'M very happy for her. I forget how pretty it is back east in the fall, all the different color trees. Autumn is so wonderful there, even though I can do without the cold, it was lovely. I miss her already, hopefully I can get her back out here soon.

Then the following weekend was out Church retreat. That was amazing! I love all the women at my church, they are so fun to be around, not your typical church going group, we know how to have fun. I had put together a BUNCO night there and most of the people who signed up had never played before so it was fun to see them go crazy and get all excited. I asked if anyone would want to be a part of a monthly BUNCO night and all said yes. Great, what did I get myself into ow I have to organize and pull that off. Those who know me know I'M not good at Organizing. But what is cool about this is the money that people bring for the monthly game most of the money goes to our Capitol Fund program to gain money for our new church property which is over 17 acres!! I can't wait until we get it done it's going to be like a YMCA but much better. So that is one thing that I'M excited about right now.

Also that weekend was also Halloween weekend and I did miss this year but I don't think I will miss again because I really missed the girls and Stacy, being away 2 weekends in a row was probably not the best thing. But Stacy's Ex came back that week and did it with them, she hasn't had a Halloween with them since we moved to Texas so it was nice she could be her with them. I'M not sure Stacy thought it was nice but oh well it's all for the kids right? I think that was the last more than 1 night stay she will be having at our house. It's just so uncomfortable, you know? We get along good but it does where on me and mostly Stacy cause he can't stand her but he gets over things fast. Her are a few pics that she took:

Well now that October is over November is proving to be just as busy. I have recently taken on another baby to watch, gran it this is only for 2 days a week and he is only here for a few hours during the other kids nap time so it hasn't been to hard. He is only a little over a month old and he sooooo cute. I love babies.

We also bought a new mattress and bed. I have never had real bedroom furniture of my own, always hammy downs or just the bear minimums. I'M into this black brown look and we got the bed from IKEA, love it! Now I just have to figure out where to put everything that we had in our old nightstands, they were allot bigger so I have a ton of crap in them. But when I get it all done it will look nice. Our bed is a king now and takes up so much room in the bedroom that it looks bad with all the stuff spread out on the floor. The girls love it, now we can all lay with each other in the morning and be comfy and not squished! Now to get everything on craigs list and get it out of our garage, blah!

This weekend we have a party to go to and next week we have so much going on, the ex will be here late Friday night and leave with the Cierra and Cheyenne on 22nd to go to Utah for Thanksgiving. Then that weekend Stacy and I are going to celebrate our 2 year anniversary even though its this weekend. Gotta wait till payday ya know. (But I still spent a little and got him a card, some candles(shh) and a cute sign that goes over our bed "always kiss me goodnight". That's more for me than for him but he will still like it. lol). I hate shopping for him he is so hard to know what to get him. Well I know what to get him but it's like $250!! The sunglasses you can listen to music with.
We are having Thanksgiving at our house again this year, it just makes it easier on the grandparents so they don't have to do much. But I wish I had a second me sometimes so I can get more things done before everyone shows up.

I know this is a long long Blog but hey I haven't been on here in forever and this is also my venting tool. Mostly this is for Jen since she is always pestering me to do this. I just have no time, this post alone has taken me 5 different trys to type up. lol
Not sure what other pics I have to put up but here are a few:

out on the boat this last summer

Until next blog, buh bye!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

It's been forever!

I know I know it's been for ever since I was on here. But life gets in the way as most of you know. Well A lot really hasn't happend but I did finally get some family pictures done and even though they aren't professional they still look pretty good. We also did a Family run down town in Austin a few weeks ago. I have loads of pictures from that too. It's just been same old here in Texas but the weather is getting better and it's now in the 90's, we love it! This Saturday we will be going boating so I will have some pictures of that also. So enjoy! I will try to get on here more but IM not promising anything.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We are truly blessed!

I know this may seem wierd that I am writing this the day after the car accident but I had to make sure that I let everyone know how I am truly blessed to have my children here and with no broken bones just scratches and bruises.
Last night about 8:10pm Cierra, Ayda and I were returning from Target after getting the girls some leatards for their first gymnastics lesson on Wednesday night. We were all so excited and just about halfway home when a truck in front of me swerved to miss a deer lying in the road,it was not dead but stunned. At first, to me it looked like a cardboard box but just when I figured it out I had only a second to react. I did the same as the truck but when I tried to correct and get back on the road, I over corrected the truck and were headed to the very right side of the road and I felt us starting to go up on the two wheels on my side of the vehicle. It seemed forever and we finally rolled over completley on top of the Suburban. Now as a mother I have only been scared for my children's lives this one time and as I heard their pleads and crys all I could do was say hold on its ok and pray that it would be. For some reason I do remember thinking that it would be and that all I could do was leave it in Gods hands. He truley blessed us that night and I know it was for a reason we are still here. The two girls were fine, Cierra had two little scratches on her wrists and Ayda was just hurt from the seat belt. About a minute after we were all suspended upside down with only our seatbelts holding us upright, cierra just had to get out of there. When I looked back she was already out of her seatbelt and crawling out of the window. At first I thought that maybe the seatbelt hadn't held her in maybe she was to tiny and she slipped out. But she wasn't crying and I told her to stay by the car because I wasn't sure of my surrondings. Ayda and I were still in our belts and 2 men ran over to help. I asked them to check on the girls first, and that I was fine. A few minutes later they had Ayda out and they reported back that both the girls were unharmed. The car behind me happend to be a Firefighter that had just picked up his mother at the airport and he and his family were in the car. His wife took care of the girls while he and another good samaritine took care of me. After they checked me to see where the blood was coming from I asked for them to please call Stacy, that he was less the 5 minutes away and that I wanted him there with me. I thank the lord that first of all that my two precious cargo's were safe and unharmed and that I was able to control my nerves. I didn't start crying until Stacy showed up and I apologized for the accident, which he giggled saying that its ok, that we all were fine thats all that mattered. As we all know IM not a tiny person to say the least and that I was feeling a little uncomfortable with all that weight upside down with this little belt holding me up, poor seatbelt. I was upside down for about 15 minutes. But I want to thank the Lord for being with me and the girls that night and to all of you who prayed for me and my family. This had nothing to do with luck, we were being watched over by the Lord and I want to praise him. Thank you Jesus! We left this horrible accident with minor cuts and bruises on our bodies and we only had to loose a car and not our lives. I will be forever changed by this experience. These are some of the pictures that Stacy took, a little shocking but just shows you that God does watch over and protect us.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Here are some pics!(Jen)

So, I need to add pics, well this is all I have right now, IM not good at remembering my camera when we go places and we are always going places, but here are some of today. It was such a nice day it was about 76 outside and we were just soaking it up. I also did the girls hair realy cute so I thought I would snap some shots. But I will have more in a few days because I went to Marshalls and got the cutest outfits and wanted to do what you did Jen and do my own pictures of the girls to hand out to the fam cause Kiddie Kandids is just to dang expensive! So look for those also.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Spring is in the air!


I guess I should write in this a little more, but life is always crazy for me. I finally got to go on a walk today it was in the high 60's this morning, yeah!!!! So I got out the double stroller and and stuck the two little one in it and let Cheyenne ride her bike. Well by my house there are no sidewalks so I had to pack everyone up in the tink bus(suburban), and actually drive somewhere to walk, kinda diffrent I know. Well so I got snacks and the diaper bag all packed and at the last minute decided to take the dogs. They should get to enjoy the nice weather too right? I started this venture around 10am by the time I got the car loaded and we were ready to go it was almost 10:30. So I drove a few blocks to the newer neighborhood with sidewalks and a community park. I parked the bus in front of the park and got the car all unpacked, we were all ready to go and started walking and Bruno our new addition decided he didn't like walks and would just sit there and cower like he was being a bused or somthing, what a wimp! So i had to put him the stroller with the little kids and we were finally off! It was so nice to get out of the house and just go. The kids had a good time and by the time we got back to the car the kids wanted a snack and I let them play while I just sat back and enjoyed the weather. Man I love it here in Texas, its so beautiful. It's already starting to look green everywhere.
It's wierd to think that I will be in Utah in a few months, it seems time has just flown by since I moved here. It will be 3 years this April! I can't believe it, im sure my family thought I wouldn't last this long out here and for a while thought I might move back, but I think now they know how much I love it here. It will be nice to see everyone when I go home to visit though, I miss our bi-weekly BBQ's at Grandma's and Grandpa's house. Now I just need to figure out what to do with the dogs while we are gone. I think I might have Stacy convinced to go for a few days with me.
Well not much of a bog but hey at least IM doing one.

Bye ya'll!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jen tagged me and I'm supposed to tell you all 7 interesting things about myself. Here are her answers: http://buttaflys.blogspot.com/


1. Hi my name is Jamie and I'm addicted to video games! (Hi Jami). I don't know what it is but i just can't get enough of them. my favorite is definitely Guitar HeroIII. Just started on hard.

2.I have two amazing dogs, they are like my two other kids. tink who is 3 this year and we have a new addition to the family, Bruno, 10 months and he is so funny. I will attach pics bellow.

3.Unlike Jen I love love love scary movies. My favorite right now is the very one she hates, the Grudge. kept me on my toe's the whole movie. Sorry girl.
man i can't think.. I must not be that interesting....

4. okay this isn't anything new but i love everything that has to do with Tinkerbell. Yes I'M also addicted to her. I have car mats, cups, coffee cups (thanks Jen), my dogs name is Tinkerbell, key chains, lamp, my girls room (if i could have convinced my husband it would have been my room), and finally my car has purple pin stripes with Tinks Tank on it and decal on the back9thanks again Jen).

5.I use to hate, no loath, country music. But now Love love love it. (thanks hunny)

6.I suck at cooking! I mean really suck at it. I have my few dishes but i try anything new and my family groans. But I do have a few good deserts that everyone loves.

Almost...what else..

7.I guess I'M gonna kinda steel one of Jens cause I also have that with my kids and movies or plays or anything that they get a reaction from, i cry like a little baby. To see them affected by it steels my heart an makes me cry. I love my kids and it feels good to see them so innocent and sweet like that.

woosh..glad that's over!

So If anyone else is reading this and you have a blog, consider yourself TAGGED! (And then send me your blog link!)Here are the rules: Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, we all want to know them. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.•Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here are those pics:

Friday, January 25, 2008

A day in the life of Jamie

So thanks to Jen, I think this Blogging thing might be useful.

Where do I begin? My days are very uneventful to most but to some people it may be interesting. I wake about 6:30am and actually get out of bed about 6:45am. Some of you may know I hate mornings, at least I know my family does, sorry family. Anyway I help the girls get their clothes picked out the night before or we would be late for school everyday. My two babysitting kids get dropped off around 7:15am oh and some mornings I have my friends kids around 5:50am. So once everyone is fed and ready we leave around 7:25am. That is pretty much the most crazy time of day until everyone gets home around 3pm. But in between 7:40am and 3pm, it's just 3 toddlers hitting and constant time-outs and booboo kisses. Somewhere in there I have to clean and pick up the room they play in at least 2 times. Then make sure clothes are clean for everyone for the week. I don't think that a stay at home moms job is any easier or harder then their husbands but they do seem to think we have a bunch of time on our hands, i know most husbands think that way and that's ok. My free time is at nap time for 1 hour and that's it! But I know that a mans free time is usually on and off all day long depending on how busy work is. I guess I'M just putting this all down to get it out, life gets frustrating at times when you think you never have time for yourself, and that the only quiet time is in the shower or at nap time. Don't get me wrong I love my job, but sometimes I wish I could have my 2 weeks off a year too. This week just has been extremely difficult because it has been so freaking cold!! We all have been pent up in the house and need our space. Next week looks sunny, I hope it is with the toddlers also, we'll see! Well I hope this didn't' seem like complaining, cause I do feel blessed to be able to be home for my kids and my husband, it is a luxury that I don't want to give up. And to be able to raise my own children, does take patience and love and hopefully my patience is growing but I know the love that I have for my kids and husband has been overflowing. I will have to get some pictures of some of the messes these kids find themselves in, you would laugh and say how glad you are it isn't you. lol Well thanks for listening hope I didn't bore you too much.

