Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jen tagged me and I'm supposed to tell you all 7 interesting things about myself. Here are her answers:


1. Hi my name is Jamie and I'm addicted to video games! (Hi Jami). I don't know what it is but i just can't get enough of them. my favorite is definitely Guitar HeroIII. Just started on hard.

2.I have two amazing dogs, they are like my two other kids. tink who is 3 this year and we have a new addition to the family, Bruno, 10 months and he is so funny. I will attach pics bellow.

3.Unlike Jen I love love love scary movies. My favorite right now is the very one she hates, the Grudge. kept me on my toe's the whole movie. Sorry girl.
man i can't think.. I must not be that interesting....

4. okay this isn't anything new but i love everything that has to do with Tinkerbell. Yes I'M also addicted to her. I have car mats, cups, coffee cups (thanks Jen), my dogs name is Tinkerbell, key chains, lamp, my girls room (if i could have convinced my husband it would have been my room), and finally my car has purple pin stripes with Tinks Tank on it and decal on the back9thanks again Jen).

5.I use to hate, no loath, country music. But now Love love love it. (thanks hunny)

6.I suck at cooking! I mean really suck at it. I have my few dishes but i try anything new and my family groans. But I do have a few good deserts that everyone loves.

Almost...what else..

7.I guess I'M gonna kinda steel one of Jens cause I also have that with my kids and movies or plays or anything that they get a reaction from, i cry like a little baby. To see them affected by it steels my heart an makes me cry. I love my kids and it feels good to see them so innocent and sweet like that.

woosh..glad that's over!

So If anyone else is reading this and you have a blog, consider yourself TAGGED! (And then send me your blog link!)Here are the rules: Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, we all want to know them. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.•Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here are those pics:

Friday, January 25, 2008

A day in the life of Jamie

So thanks to Jen, I think this Blogging thing might be useful.

Where do I begin? My days are very uneventful to most but to some people it may be interesting. I wake about 6:30am and actually get out of bed about 6:45am. Some of you may know I hate mornings, at least I know my family does, sorry family. Anyway I help the girls get their clothes picked out the night before or we would be late for school everyday. My two babysitting kids get dropped off around 7:15am oh and some mornings I have my friends kids around 5:50am. So once everyone is fed and ready we leave around 7:25am. That is pretty much the most crazy time of day until everyone gets home around 3pm. But in between 7:40am and 3pm, it's just 3 toddlers hitting and constant time-outs and booboo kisses. Somewhere in there I have to clean and pick up the room they play in at least 2 times. Then make sure clothes are clean for everyone for the week. I don't think that a stay at home moms job is any easier or harder then their husbands but they do seem to think we have a bunch of time on our hands, i know most husbands think that way and that's ok. My free time is at nap time for 1 hour and that's it! But I know that a mans free time is usually on and off all day long depending on how busy work is. I guess I'M just putting this all down to get it out, life gets frustrating at times when you think you never have time for yourself, and that the only quiet time is in the shower or at nap time. Don't get me wrong I love my job, but sometimes I wish I could have my 2 weeks off a year too. This week just has been extremely difficult because it has been so freaking cold!! We all have been pent up in the house and need our space. Next week looks sunny, I hope it is with the toddlers also, we'll see! Well I hope this didn't' seem like complaining, cause I do feel blessed to be able to be home for my kids and my husband, it is a luxury that I don't want to give up. And to be able to raise my own children, does take patience and love and hopefully my patience is growing but I know the love that I have for my kids and husband has been overflowing. I will have to get some pictures of some of the messes these kids find themselves in, you would laugh and say how glad you are it isn't you. lol Well thanks for listening hope I didn't bore you too much.

