Tuesday, April 21, 2009

21 weeks tomorrow and counting!

Hi everyone!

So I went to the ultrasound last Tuesday and it was so awesome! But the night before I was talking to Stacy and out of the blue he tells me he thinks it would be cool if we found out what the baby is! I freaked! I cried I was so happy! I swear I didn't talk him into it he just thought it would be nice for all of us to know. So at the Ultrasound the next morning we were all patiently waiting to see what he or she was. The girls couldn't stand still and were jumping around all excited. At first we thought the baby wasn't going to be cooperative and show us. Then she jiggled my billy to get the baby to move a little and there it was so obvious, a BOY! I started bawling my eyes out. The girls were happy, well Cheyenne was a little sad, she wanted it to be a girl. But she got over it quick. The baby was so active though and the Tech couldn't get all the things she needed from the ultrasound. So we get to have another next month! YAY! I love seeing him! I just cant get enough. I think I have watched the ultrasound about 10 times already. IM not going to show any pictures this blog because I only have 3 and two of them are of his boy parts and the other is a straight down shot of his face and it kinda looks freaky! So I am going to wait to put some up when we go back in May.

We went to Babies R Us on Saturday and looked at the car seat stroller combo's and found the one we really loved. Then headed over to the cribs to find the one we loved on their Website. But of course they didn't have it out on display! Grrrr, I want to see it before I buy it. We don't have many Babies R us's out here so IM not driving anywhere else. So I guess we will just have to buy it and hope it's the one we really want.
I didn't want to leave the place not getting something! (IM bad I know) So we bought him a few outfits, sooooooooo cute! The one Ireally wanted was like $25! I passed on it but maybe I will get it if we decide to do pictures.

So we had a hailstorm about a month ago and it did a little damage to our roof, but not really bad. But anyway our insurance company quoted an amount on repairing it. Well the guy that is going to repair it for us isn't charging us the whole amount so we are going to use some of it to spruce up the front of the house. We have a horrible looking blue trim around our house and have been gradually pulling it off. So now we need to paint the trim and redo the post holding up the front porch. So it should help do that, and who knows maybe more. IM already nesting a little and that will make things feel a little better.

Oh and later on in a blog I will post a pic of the crib set IM getting and I need ideas on how to incorporate it in a room to share with Cheyenne. It's mostly green with brown in it so IM wondering if I should do a light brown or dark tan color in the room that the baby and Cheyenne will be sharing. My mom is mad that I will be painting while IM prego, but I know alot of people that did it and there babies seemed fine. Oh well, I will ask my doc.

I guess that's it for now. I will update again later. Have a great rest of the month!


Saturday, April 4, 2009

OK I think that this is a bigger baby bump, do you?

SO I have put them in order from I think my 2nd month to my almost 5th month. The only 3 pics I have of the bump. Well it's no longer a bump it's really out there now. Oh and I feel the baby moving allot more now, so fun! I forgot what it felt like, it's so amazing!
I also bought my first boy outfit. It's a Cowboys football onesie! SO adorable! Anyway, I know I just blogged but I had to prove that I wasn't insane about getting bigger in the belly.

It's not drastic but I see the difference. So I swear there will be no more blog until around the 15th. Just had to show you!
Love ~me~