Monday, March 30, 2009

It's nothing.....

Just wanted to add something to this because now my ultrasound isn't until April 14th and it will be a while before I blog again if I didn't do this one. Anyway IM 18 weeks this week and I can't believe that in 2 more weeks IM going to be halfway to "D" day. It's seems to be going very quickly. I bought my fist baby outfit on Saturday and it's really cute but when they say unisex, IM not sure if I agree. This is the only one I saw at JC Penny's that I liked. But as we get closer maybe say my 37th week or something, then I will go and buy a boy outfit for the baby to come home in. I already have the girl outfit, it's the same one Ayda came home in. I will post a picture of the outfit I bought and the the girl out fit below. I can't believe that the baby is going to be that tiny. I can't wait!!!! IM so excited I can't stand it. I sort of want to be almost done but at the same time I don't. I just wish the baby stage after delivery went slower, that part of a child's growth seems like it goes bye way way to fast. There is one thing that I know I will do differently this time around, I will be one of those weird moms that take like a gazillion pictures. I don't have too many of Ayda and I think that sucks. I did for SURE feel the baby move starting right before I turned 17 weeks. It was so cool. Stacy still says it's just gas but what does he know. It happens every once in a while it's not the punching and kicking fest yet but IM sure it will be, here in another few weeks. I wonder if I should wait to buy things anymore until I find out about a shower or something. I mean I really want a baby shower but at the same time IM not sure. I really am not to thrilled with the unisex colors they have and I guess everything else we need like diapers, wipes, onesies, stuff like that is ok to get but what about receiving blankets, blankets, socks, anything else that has color in it? I can't do the greens and yellows. I tried and the closest I got was that onesie I bought. Oh well, I guess whatever will happen will happen. I will be grateful for whatever we receive. This is just so new to me, not finding out. I don't know what's so fun about it. Other than the delivery day you get to call people and tell them "yay it's a boy"!!! or vise versus. My instinct is that it's a boy, and IM not sure if that's because now I really want one, the dream I had of the ultrasound and the nurse telling me it was a boy, or the fact that every time I refer to the baby I slip and say "He". Oh and Jen and I were brain storming a little last night and came up with this name what do you think: Jayson Dean Johnson? I like it allot but I asked Stacy and he made no comment whatsoever. BLah! What a butt head! Oh well I will work it on him. I could call him Jay for short. I think it's cute but I guess the hubby has to agree. Well that's all for today. I will be back in a few weeks to update you with pics from the ultrasound and whatever else that has been going on.

Ayda looked sooooo cute in this, with a pink onesie under it

Sorry it's sideways. But you get the idea.

Love ya guys!!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

16 weeks! Im still in shock!

I'M 4 months now and I feel like a big elephant! No baby movement yet, well I thought I felt him/her a week ago and once in a while I feel little tickles in there but who knows, could be gas.
We are going to do the finale ultra sound on the 9Th of April. So that should be fun. The girls are coming and get to see! But we aren't finding out. Well I'M actually trying to talk Stacy into letting us find out, he says ok if you find out it's a boy and get boy stuff and we have the baby and it ends up a girl then we have to take everything back! That is his biggest worry. Who care! So I get to go shopping again, and why is that a bad thing? Plus I have talked to a few people and they say that technology has changed in even the last 5 years and the accuracy is much higher these days. Plus I was thinking why not go to one of those 3D places and do a video to music or something, I didn't get to do that with Ayda and I think it would be soooooo much fun! Wouldn't you see it again, the pee pee parts I mean? So give me some time I may get to him yet! haha
I feel wonderful! I am still a little tired but definitely not as bad as the first trimester. I'M still shocked that I'M almost half way there and I am still not fully in the baby mindset. Like it doesn't feel real. I'M way excited and super nervous at the same time. I hope the delivery goes as well as Ayda's did, even though I could stand maybe not going for 28 hours our maybe having a baby under 10lbs but whatever God has in store for us I just hope I can do my best and that the baby is healthy.
Oh yeah so we have the names picked out:
If it's a girl ~ Addyson Lynn Johnson
If it's a boy ~ Cameron Dean Johnson
What do you think? I love the girl name as you all know but that is the only boy name we could both agree on.
So here is an updated pic of the belly:

Yes that is Stacy's arm under the pillow on the bed, I was trying to get it done last night before bed so I could type this up today. He didn't want to be in it. I guess there isn't much of a diffrence in this pic from the last one. But there it is anyway.

Love ya!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

14th week!

Not much going on, but I didn't want you guys to think that I forgot about my blog.
Today is turning out to be a rough day. I have 3 babies today and they all seem to be in a bad mood. I thought it would be a fun day but unless they all get good naps and wake up on the right side of the crib, it might just stay this way.
My belly hasn't really grown at all so no picks I think until maybe the 4th month. I hope I can fill the baby kick here in the next 3 weeks. But who knows. I go in for my next visit March 12th so I will let you know what happens at that appt. Sorry it's been a pretty boring few weeks. Oh well, guess that's good.