Monday, March 30, 2009

It's nothing.....

Just wanted to add something to this because now my ultrasound isn't until April 14th and it will be a while before I blog again if I didn't do this one. Anyway IM 18 weeks this week and I can't believe that in 2 more weeks IM going to be halfway to "D" day. It's seems to be going very quickly. I bought my fist baby outfit on Saturday and it's really cute but when they say unisex, IM not sure if I agree. This is the only one I saw at JC Penny's that I liked. But as we get closer maybe say my 37th week or something, then I will go and buy a boy outfit for the baby to come home in. I already have the girl outfit, it's the same one Ayda came home in. I will post a picture of the outfit I bought and the the girl out fit below. I can't believe that the baby is going to be that tiny. I can't wait!!!! IM so excited I can't stand it. I sort of want to be almost done but at the same time I don't. I just wish the baby stage after delivery went slower, that part of a child's growth seems like it goes bye way way to fast. There is one thing that I know I will do differently this time around, I will be one of those weird moms that take like a gazillion pictures. I don't have too many of Ayda and I think that sucks. I did for SURE feel the baby move starting right before I turned 17 weeks. It was so cool. Stacy still says it's just gas but what does he know. It happens every once in a while it's not the punching and kicking fest yet but IM sure it will be, here in another few weeks. I wonder if I should wait to buy things anymore until I find out about a shower or something. I mean I really want a baby shower but at the same time IM not sure. I really am not to thrilled with the unisex colors they have and I guess everything else we need like diapers, wipes, onesies, stuff like that is ok to get but what about receiving blankets, blankets, socks, anything else that has color in it? I can't do the greens and yellows. I tried and the closest I got was that onesie I bought. Oh well, I guess whatever will happen will happen. I will be grateful for whatever we receive. This is just so new to me, not finding out. I don't know what's so fun about it. Other than the delivery day you get to call people and tell them "yay it's a boy"!!! or vise versus. My instinct is that it's a boy, and IM not sure if that's because now I really want one, the dream I had of the ultrasound and the nurse telling me it was a boy, or the fact that every time I refer to the baby I slip and say "He". Oh and Jen and I were brain storming a little last night and came up with this name what do you think: Jayson Dean Johnson? I like it allot but I asked Stacy and he made no comment whatsoever. BLah! What a butt head! Oh well I will work it on him. I could call him Jay for short. I think it's cute but I guess the hubby has to agree. Well that's all for today. I will be back in a few weeks to update you with pics from the ultrasound and whatever else that has been going on.

Ayda looked sooooo cute in this, with a pink onesie under it

Sorry it's sideways. But you get the idea.

Love ya guys!!



buttafly said...

Cute outfit... would look good in BLUE!!! ;) I like Jayson Dean. Very cute and it fits right in!

SpringRose said...

I love the name Jayson Dean. And I like it with the Y. It doesn't make it sound girlie at all. What about Rory Dean? I still like that name too.

I think I would get tired of the green and yellow pretty fast too. I think you need a baby shower. It's been so long since you've had a baby, there's a lot of things you're going to need.

Getting excited for Cali?

Tink's Life said...

I am going to have a shower, some girls at church already said I was. But that's the problem, I don't want all the greens and yellows. So I wont ask for much with color in it. I love the name Rory, but guess who doesn't?
Well of course IM excited for Cali, duh! Wish it was next week. But I didn't realize I was going to be so far along when I go so I have to check with the Doc!

Luv ya both!

Unknown said...

I remember when Ayda wore the pink sweater!!! So cute!