Friday, August 14, 2009

Last post until Dylan gets here!!!

Hi everyone! I know I kinda did a cheesy blog last time so I thought I would make up for it in this one. I now have only 2 WEEKS LEFT!!! I can't believe my little man is almost here! I need him here let me tell you! I have been a royal pain the behind to my family and they deserve there mom and wife back. Dylan is in position as of last Doc visit on Tuesday. I go again next Wednesday to make sure he is still in postion. And as of Tuesday I was already Ephased a little. So that's good news.
I did a little bit of the nesting thing this last week and rearranged my front room and it feels soooooo much better. It's way more opend and more homey feeling you know? I think we are ready for him now but the one thing I totaly forgot is a Diaper Genie! HAVE to have one of those you know! So last trip to get the last thing before he gets here.

Ok so I took a few pics of things that have been asked of me to take so here you go.... Enjoy!

This is where he will be spending his driving time

The one and only thing I have ever made and finished

The changing table I got for only $80 at IKEA!

The awesome diaper bag that holds EVERYTHING!

The last belly pic before Dylan gets here!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I know I know, IM bad a blogging! I haven't been on here in forever! But in my defense my life has bee crazy! So lets see, IM now 36 weeks prego and only have 3 weeks to go until Dylan should be here. We are being induced so it's nice to know how much longer I have, unless he decides to come early. Cierra and Cheyenne left for Utah after the Dance recital back in June around the 15th. While those 2 were out of town I had Ayda all to myself. I thought it would be a nice change for us but she was kind of a stinker. I guess with out her sisters she thought she could talk like she was an adult to me. We had a lot of disagreements and had a few fights but we got a break from each other when we went to California to visit one of my realy good friends. She had a little distraction with her daughter and they played together the whole time! So that was nice. And I had a little down time. We did venture to Disnyland and that was fun. The beach was a bit cold but it was nice to get out in the sun without passing out from the heat. It was a great trip!

So this is going to be a short blog I really have so much to do still. I haven't even put our new changing table together and we bought it a week ago. Trying to get everything ready is so hard when you have just you doing it. I took my mom for granted when I had Ayda, she did a lot for me.

Ok so I guess that's all for now I know I have missed on saying so much but I really have to get going and get some stuff done.

Luv ya!


Saturday, May 23, 2009

New belly pic!

Ok it took me forever to put this up I know but here it is. Not the best pic but it's night time right now and for some reason my camera sucks at night. I think I look huge but you can decide. Alright, a lot has gone on in the last few days and IM super busy so I gotta go, but I will put up another blog in a few days. New puppy, sick hubby and Cierra's good grades. Gotta go!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

24 weeks!!

So I went to my ultrasound today. I have a new OB because my other one had to go on bed rest because she is having triplets and is only 14 weeks along and having issues, poor thing. I couldn't imaging having 3 kicking moving babies in my belly. So needless to say I already hate going to an OB but now I have a new one and it's a guy OB. Oh well, he is really nice but if you ask me and I didn't know anything about him(but I do) I would say he was gay, which isn't a bad thing, just different. But he isn't, he is married and has 2 kids. So now he is my doctor, but I have to say he is actually really nice and so far I like him. I was going to go after this apt. to another doctor that one of the moms of the kids I babysit goes to, because she really likes her. But I will stay.
So IM not sure about anyone else but When I was prego with Ayda and I had an ultrasound the Tech gave me like 10 photo's of her. Well this Tech only gave me 3! There was the cutest pics of his foot and hand and she didn't get them, I was kinda sad about that but oh well I will take what I can get. The first 2 are of his profile, and it looks like he has my tiny nose. The other is of his boy part.

I will be making an apt to do the 3D ultrasound thing in a month, so excited! Only 4 more weeks and I will be 7 months! I can't believe it's almost my 3rd trimester! It really seems to be going fast, yet I want him here already! I can't wait to see his little nose, his little toes and mouth. To see if he has tons and tons of hair because of all the heart burn I have been having! It really is bad, I have gone through alot of Tums.
We finally got the pool up so that's where I will be spending the rest of my pregnancy. I just wish we had a shade to put over it.
Also I haven't noted in my blog, but we are suppose to get our new puppy this week. We should have had him this last week but he really doesn't want to be weaned from his mom. But he is the cutest thing ever! And I just him home with us! I want to start potty training, hopefully he will be 100% potty trained by the time the baby gets here. We named him Nacho, and I guess it fits him really well the people said, they call him and he is responding well to it. So as soon as he comes home I will take some pictures of him and post them.
Well that's all for now, I will hopefully post again next week when we get Nacho. Have a great week!!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

21 weeks tomorrow and counting!

Hi everyone!

So I went to the ultrasound last Tuesday and it was so awesome! But the night before I was talking to Stacy and out of the blue he tells me he thinks it would be cool if we found out what the baby is! I freaked! I cried I was so happy! I swear I didn't talk him into it he just thought it would be nice for all of us to know. So at the Ultrasound the next morning we were all patiently waiting to see what he or she was. The girls couldn't stand still and were jumping around all excited. At first we thought the baby wasn't going to be cooperative and show us. Then she jiggled my billy to get the baby to move a little and there it was so obvious, a BOY! I started bawling my eyes out. The girls were happy, well Cheyenne was a little sad, she wanted it to be a girl. But she got over it quick. The baby was so active though and the Tech couldn't get all the things she needed from the ultrasound. So we get to have another next month! YAY! I love seeing him! I just cant get enough. I think I have watched the ultrasound about 10 times already. IM not going to show any pictures this blog because I only have 3 and two of them are of his boy parts and the other is a straight down shot of his face and it kinda looks freaky! So I am going to wait to put some up when we go back in May.

We went to Babies R Us on Saturday and looked at the car seat stroller combo's and found the one we really loved. Then headed over to the cribs to find the one we loved on their Website. But of course they didn't have it out on display! Grrrr, I want to see it before I buy it. We don't have many Babies R us's out here so IM not driving anywhere else. So I guess we will just have to buy it and hope it's the one we really want.
I didn't want to leave the place not getting something! (IM bad I know) So we bought him a few outfits, sooooooooo cute! The one Ireally wanted was like $25! I passed on it but maybe I will get it if we decide to do pictures.

So we had a hailstorm about a month ago and it did a little damage to our roof, but not really bad. But anyway our insurance company quoted an amount on repairing it. Well the guy that is going to repair it for us isn't charging us the whole amount so we are going to use some of it to spruce up the front of the house. We have a horrible looking blue trim around our house and have been gradually pulling it off. So now we need to paint the trim and redo the post holding up the front porch. So it should help do that, and who knows maybe more. IM already nesting a little and that will make things feel a little better.

Oh and later on in a blog I will post a pic of the crib set IM getting and I need ideas on how to incorporate it in a room to share with Cheyenne. It's mostly green with brown in it so IM wondering if I should do a light brown or dark tan color in the room that the baby and Cheyenne will be sharing. My mom is mad that I will be painting while IM prego, but I know alot of people that did it and there babies seemed fine. Oh well, I will ask my doc.

I guess that's it for now. I will update again later. Have a great rest of the month!


Saturday, April 4, 2009

OK I think that this is a bigger baby bump, do you?

SO I have put them in order from I think my 2nd month to my almost 5th month. The only 3 pics I have of the bump. Well it's no longer a bump it's really out there now. Oh and I feel the baby moving allot more now, so fun! I forgot what it felt like, it's so amazing!
I also bought my first boy outfit. It's a Cowboys football onesie! SO adorable! Anyway, I know I just blogged but I had to prove that I wasn't insane about getting bigger in the belly.

It's not drastic but I see the difference. So I swear there will be no more blog until around the 15th. Just had to show you!
Love ~me~

Monday, March 30, 2009

It's nothing.....

Just wanted to add something to this because now my ultrasound isn't until April 14th and it will be a while before I blog again if I didn't do this one. Anyway IM 18 weeks this week and I can't believe that in 2 more weeks IM going to be halfway to "D" day. It's seems to be going very quickly. I bought my fist baby outfit on Saturday and it's really cute but when they say unisex, IM not sure if I agree. This is the only one I saw at JC Penny's that I liked. But as we get closer maybe say my 37th week or something, then I will go and buy a boy outfit for the baby to come home in. I already have the girl outfit, it's the same one Ayda came home in. I will post a picture of the outfit I bought and the the girl out fit below. I can't believe that the baby is going to be that tiny. I can't wait!!!! IM so excited I can't stand it. I sort of want to be almost done but at the same time I don't. I just wish the baby stage after delivery went slower, that part of a child's growth seems like it goes bye way way to fast. There is one thing that I know I will do differently this time around, I will be one of those weird moms that take like a gazillion pictures. I don't have too many of Ayda and I think that sucks. I did for SURE feel the baby move starting right before I turned 17 weeks. It was so cool. Stacy still says it's just gas but what does he know. It happens every once in a while it's not the punching and kicking fest yet but IM sure it will be, here in another few weeks. I wonder if I should wait to buy things anymore until I find out about a shower or something. I mean I really want a baby shower but at the same time IM not sure. I really am not to thrilled with the unisex colors they have and I guess everything else we need like diapers, wipes, onesies, stuff like that is ok to get but what about receiving blankets, blankets, socks, anything else that has color in it? I can't do the greens and yellows. I tried and the closest I got was that onesie I bought. Oh well, I guess whatever will happen will happen. I will be grateful for whatever we receive. This is just so new to me, not finding out. I don't know what's so fun about it. Other than the delivery day you get to call people and tell them "yay it's a boy"!!! or vise versus. My instinct is that it's a boy, and IM not sure if that's because now I really want one, the dream I had of the ultrasound and the nurse telling me it was a boy, or the fact that every time I refer to the baby I slip and say "He". Oh and Jen and I were brain storming a little last night and came up with this name what do you think: Jayson Dean Johnson? I like it allot but I asked Stacy and he made no comment whatsoever. BLah! What a butt head! Oh well I will work it on him. I could call him Jay for short. I think it's cute but I guess the hubby has to agree. Well that's all for today. I will be back in a few weeks to update you with pics from the ultrasound and whatever else that has been going on.

Ayda looked sooooo cute in this, with a pink onesie under it

Sorry it's sideways. But you get the idea.

Love ya guys!!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

16 weeks! Im still in shock!

I'M 4 months now and I feel like a big elephant! No baby movement yet, well I thought I felt him/her a week ago and once in a while I feel little tickles in there but who knows, could be gas.
We are going to do the finale ultra sound on the 9Th of April. So that should be fun. The girls are coming and get to see! But we aren't finding out. Well I'M actually trying to talk Stacy into letting us find out, he says ok if you find out it's a boy and get boy stuff and we have the baby and it ends up a girl then we have to take everything back! That is his biggest worry. Who care! So I get to go shopping again, and why is that a bad thing? Plus I have talked to a few people and they say that technology has changed in even the last 5 years and the accuracy is much higher these days. Plus I was thinking why not go to one of those 3D places and do a video to music or something, I didn't get to do that with Ayda and I think it would be soooooo much fun! Wouldn't you see it again, the pee pee parts I mean? So give me some time I may get to him yet! haha
I feel wonderful! I am still a little tired but definitely not as bad as the first trimester. I'M still shocked that I'M almost half way there and I am still not fully in the baby mindset. Like it doesn't feel real. I'M way excited and super nervous at the same time. I hope the delivery goes as well as Ayda's did, even though I could stand maybe not going for 28 hours our maybe having a baby under 10lbs but whatever God has in store for us I just hope I can do my best and that the baby is healthy.
Oh yeah so we have the names picked out:
If it's a girl ~ Addyson Lynn Johnson
If it's a boy ~ Cameron Dean Johnson
What do you think? I love the girl name as you all know but that is the only boy name we could both agree on.
So here is an updated pic of the belly:

Yes that is Stacy's arm under the pillow on the bed, I was trying to get it done last night before bed so I could type this up today. He didn't want to be in it. I guess there isn't much of a diffrence in this pic from the last one. But there it is anyway.

Love ya!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

14th week!

Not much going on, but I didn't want you guys to think that I forgot about my blog.
Today is turning out to be a rough day. I have 3 babies today and they all seem to be in a bad mood. I thought it would be a fun day but unless they all get good naps and wake up on the right side of the crib, it might just stay this way.
My belly hasn't really grown at all so no picks I think until maybe the 4th month. I hope I can fill the baby kick here in the next 3 weeks. But who knows. I go in for my next visit March 12th so I will let you know what happens at that appt. Sorry it's been a pretty boring few weeks. Oh well, guess that's good.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Oh my how cool technology is these days. It's been 8 and a half years since I have had a baby! First is a picture that my friend Rose wanted, blah, I hate pictures of me. And please excuse the mess in the background, I had way to many people at my house these past few days, and my room was not on my priority list.

I can't believe I'M so huge and I'M not quite to my 3rd month yet!! I know second baby and all but dang!!
Maybe back in the day they had the capability of doing an ultrasound at 11 weeks but I didn't know about it. So here is the picture you have been waiting for. The baby is as big as a baby carrot.

I can see the shape of the head and the makings of hands. Is that what you see? Maybe a belly?
I just cried and cried! It's so weird how it hits you when you see it or hear the heartbeat that you actually have a human being growing inside you! It's amazing!

Well I go back on March 12th for my second visit. I had them test me for Thyroid problems so we will see what the results are. But everything else is great.

That's all I have today, I got to get my house back in order so I'm off to clean like crazy, until exhaustion hits anyway. lol


Monday, February 9, 2009

The 11th week of baby.

Hi guys!! sorry I haven't been on for a while, all these kids I have been watching are keeping me quite busy. I have been feeling less moody but a little more nauseated. My friend told me about these wrist bands that have these button like things on the underside so when you where them they give like an acupuncture effect. It seems to work really well, but it's kind of uncomfortable after a while and I have to take them off. It really helps to eat a little bit every 2 hours also.
IM so excited about my first appointment this Thursday. They will get a for sure due date by checking the size of the baby. I can't wait to hear the heart beat and see the baby on the screen. I have been supper nervous about loosing it because it happened to a few of my friends around this time. But I still have all the symptoms so I feel confident that all is well. But you know just normal worries.
One thing that I know is different this pregnancy than my other is that the foods IM craving are allot healthier. I love sandwiches!!! I love turkey or ham with Swiss cheese and pickles. YUMMY!!! I eat cottage cheese and pears or peaches all the time. I can't do the sweets all that much, I tend to turn to the fruits as my sweets. My one weakness is Buffalo wings, I don't have a clue why but they always hit the spot.

This week is going to be so crazy!! Tomorrow I go with Cierra on a field trip all day. I took the day off so I could do one last field trip with her. Next year she will be in 5th grade!! I can't believe it, but I think she will think she is to old to have a parent come on field trips with her anymore, and I only get to do one a year so I always miss out on the other two kids. I decided to just alternate years to do field trips with the girls. This year with Cierra next with Ayda and next with Cheyenne.
Then my grandparents are coming in either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. IM so excited for them to come because they have never been here to visit since we moved here 4 years ago. Then Wednesday night I am helping a lady in our church, she just had hip surgery and she takes complete care of her husband because he is in a wheelchair, so now with her recovering they both need people to help out. I am going over there at 6pm and staying until 11pm. Thursday is our doc apt and right when we get home I will have 2 kids getting dropped off for me to watch. Plus Stacy's nephew is coming to stay with us until Saturday when Stacy's parents are coming into town and also staying with us. So many people going to be here and I want to spend time with the Grandparents as much as I can(there are staying in their RV btw). Saturday we are also helping a friend out because her husband is always traveling and he will be home for Valentines so we offered to take the kids overnight so they can have some time alone. We have a surprise 50th birthday party to go to for Stacy's uncle and everyone is going! It will be so much fun, but I know by the time we even get there IM going to be exhausted from this weeks schedule.
So I need you guys to wish me luck that I can pull all this stuff off and be a great and not moody host.

I hope to post pics of the ultrasound next week so check back!!!
Hope everyone is doing well!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hormones! GRRRRRRR watch out for the venting....

So I know prego people have these extra hormones running around in our bodies running a muck. But either it's my imagination or it's really bad this time around. My temper is worse, my patience is awful, and people irritate the hell out of me!!! Sometimes I wish for the morning sickness instead of getting irritated so easily. My poor family, I can't believe how much I have been yelling this week and how the little things that my husband use to do, just annoy me now. He pokes a teases me and now instead of me giggling I give him the evil eye. Poor man. But he is being unbelievably sweet under the circumstances.
Well on Sunday he had a friend over he was helping with something and the person new that Sunday's are busy for our family because after church we have maybe an 1hr at home then we have to leave to the grandparents house and usually stay until 3 or 4. Well Stacy had told him this and said please come on Saturday instead and he could help. The person new that Stacy had to work that day at 4pm because he was on call. So Stacy is waiting around until almost 3 and he finlay calls and aske if he can come over, and Stacy said no that he wouldn't have time before he had to leave. So Sunday after church he showes up and Stacy is helping him and it's about 12:30 and IM already in a bad mood because he just shows up and puts Stacy on the spot. So I don't want to be the witch and tell him that we need to leave. lol so I send Ayda out to tell Stacy we have to get going or we will be late. 15 more min go by and I have had it by now, I get on my jacket and grab my purse and go outside and say ok we really need to go now. They are both just standing there talking like no big deal. I said how long have you been done, they said about 15 min. I said well why haven't we left yet then? I said ok lets go girls get into dad's truck, mine was blocking everyone so I had to get into mine and move it for them. The guy, after I had moved has nothing blocking him in, but he is just sitting there watching Stacy packing some stuff in the back of the truck to take to work. IM all tapping my fingers still waiting in my car in the street for them both to pull out. So the guy doesn't pull out and Stacy ends up getting out first then finaly after another few minutes the guy Finlay leaves!! I race my car back in the driveway to park and get out and go to the truck and get in. Stacy can tell I'm upset. I ask what was he waiting for, he giggles and says he's not sure. I say, how rude when he knew we needed to be somewhere that he just shows up and then just sits there yapping to you and then sees that IM waiting to park in his spot and then he takes a lifetime to leave!!! Stacy just smiles and puts his hand on mine and says I know sweetie, IM sorry. I felt like a punk after that but it's still bugging me. aahhh

This all probably makes no sense to whomever is reading but I feel better all ready venting.

Allot of stuff has been happening with the Ex wife situation to. And if anyone knows me, I'M not the type of person to hate people not even her. Well I need to repent now and ask for help because I actually hate the girl now. So most of you know I have been taking care of the woman(aka child)'s children. I have loved every second of everyday of it too. I have even spent my own money on them because that's what parents do. Even my b-day money sometimes, I can't help it! So Stacy calls her and says your late(as usual) paying child support and since your late now the girls dance payment is late so you owe the late fee of $10. She's all why couldn't you cover my end until I got you the child support? I mean can you believe this lady?!? Why should we cover your end when we already cover so much as it is?!?! Then she gets all huffy cause Stacy is finally laying into her and saying you have no idea what we do for these girls what we pay for that your dang child support doesn't even cover, Jamie even uses her own money and she has done more for your children than you have ever done(I was in shock after that one). So she gets all mad and says we keep saying $10 here $5 there and she can't afford it anymore that we are just making her jump though hoops to get money. Whatever!!! She freaks out and says fine! Guess what?! Forget me paying full child support anymore and forget me paying half of the bill that she and Stacy have been paying half on for over 3 years now. She also said that the papers about her child support being cut in half was in the mail and that it had already gone through court. Which is BS because we have jurisdiction here in TX now because we have been here so long. Then she just hang up on him.
Well I get to counting how this is all going to add up and how far behind a month we will be and I freak out and start crying. I tell Stacy I hate her now, and all the time I stuck up for her is over she is never allowed to stay in my house again. (I would always to let her stay one night or so at our house just to be nice because we all could tolerate each other. But no more, I'M done helping someone out that is a total..... uh freak!) Stacy is staying way too calm and it is driving me nuts! says he looked up a few things and come to find out, he doesn't even have to pay half of the medical for them and that she is totally resp for that and come to find out if she wants to fight anything she has to come here to do it! So I'M feeling better by now and saying fine we are going to from now on garnish her checks for child support instead of just letting her pay us on her own time. Stacy calls her back and tells her all this stuff and she ends up being the one freaked out and says fine it will be back to normal. Hangs up again. I feel allot better but we are still looking further into this jurisdiction thing.
So there I got it out! I feel better. Woes me! j/k I'M alllllllll good now. Thanks for listening to me whine. Sorry!!! I will make sure the next post will be a happy one. :o)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

5 weeks and 2 days....

OK so I'm in my 5th week and it's funny but I keep checking the toilet paper for spotting. I know I'M prego but I guess I'M still in shock! I'M really looking into natural birth and it's not as scary as I thought it might be, well at least not yet. I did a lot of research today on what is going on with the baby and what it looks like and all that and I can't believe that it is already busy with 3 layers forming. The outer layer will develop into the nervous system, and the inner layer will become the liver, pancreas, intestines, and bladder. The middle layer, is developing into the heart and circulatory system, which will be the first organs to function in the baby. Isn't that wild? You all may already know this but I didn't do much research with Ayda and it's been kinda fun learning so much. I must be bloating also or I got somewhat chubby these past few days, because my jeans are getting tight and it hurts to bend over in them. One of the ladies I babysit for told me about this thing called the Babyband. I guess you can wear some of your regular jeans for a while before you have to buy the new maternity ones. With the Babyband you can unbutton and unzip your pants and put this band thing around your waste and it keeps your pants up and also hides the button and zipper button through your shirt that you would have without the band. Cool huh?! I'M so going to look into that, cause I have a feeling that I will be needing to buy a couple of sizes as I get bigger, blah!
So I was freaking out cause yesterday I ate some smoked oysters, I know some of you may think that is gross but I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. Anyway, I thought dang I wasn't suppose to have fish things cause of the mercury in them. Well come to find out I guess it's only raw fish or large fish. But smaller things like shrimp and oysters and Sardines are actually a good thing to eat once in a while. They help with the growth of some of the major organs in the baby during the 1st trimester. So wooosh, I feel a lot better. I have noticed that my eating habits have changed a lot though. I don't need to eat as much to feel full. I had some of those sardines for dinner and an orange, strange dinner huh? But I couldn't finish the sardines or the orange. That happened yesterday with the real dinner I made, I could only eat half of what I dished up. I sooo hope this is a start of a better eating habit for me. Anyway, IM soooooooo taking forever on this blog.

Love ya!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

OH baby!

So I just can't stop smiling and I can't tell anyone else so I thought I would tell whoever is reading this. WE ARE PREGNANT!!! After 8 months of trying we go it right this last month. And according to Jen's estimations I'M due around September 6Th. WOW, I can't believe there is a life growing inside of me. I know I already have 3 kids and I shouldn't be so excited but 2 I didn't birth and 1 was under some really hard circumstances. They are such wonderful children and we all are so excited. This is just so much more fun with someone you love so much and loves you back as much. The girls are already trying to think of names. I have a girl name but we aren't going to find out what it is so we are thinking up names for either or.
So this is definitely going to be a new start to my blogging experience because I think I will keep this as my journal for the next 9 months. IM sure a lot of it might be winy but hey that's the nature of a pregnant beast. hehe
ALL SUMMER TEXAS PREGNANCY! ahhhhhhhhh but it will be so worth it in the end.

Lots of prayers would be nice to help this go smoothly.

We are so blessed!