Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Vent vent moan groan. Wahhhhh!

HI everyone or no one,

It is Tuesday and I have no kids this morning, YAY me! This is such a rarity that I thought I would put my time to some good use and blog. It's funny but when I woke up and realized that I have about 2 and a half hours to myself I felt confused and not sure what to do first. Should I go for a walk and get some exercise? Or I could play my favorite game on-line? Or clean?(that one was first OFF the list, lol) Well I guess Blog and then clean up.

So lets see IM not sure how many of you know that my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant since April. It's been a little tougher these past few weeks knowing that we still aren't but I keep in mind that the longer it takes me maybe the less time I will have to spend prego in the Summer. That has kept me not so down in the dumps for a while but it's wareing off now and I will be miserable through the summer as long as I knew that we were about to expand our home with a new little one.
I know some of you may think IM crazy and I already have a house full of kids, but I love kids and I have been watching all these other people's babies and it has been really playing with my emotions. My girls would be such good big sisters and I can't wait to go through the whole experince with a man that I love and loves me. I didn't get that with Ayda and I would love to have the whole daddy is with me and taking care of me experience. I loved being pregnant with Ayda, it was one of the very best things that has ever happend in my life. I would have more than one more if we had the money. I love big families, I feel I give my love and attention as equaly as possible to all the girls and could do that with a new child.
Well I guess all we can do is pray and wait.

I think IM done venting for today, maybe I will get back on another time and download some pictures of our day at the tree farm picking out or Christmas tree. I can't believe it's that timeof year again. This year has flown by.
