Monday, February 16, 2009

Oh my how cool technology is these days. It's been 8 and a half years since I have had a baby! First is a picture that my friend Rose wanted, blah, I hate pictures of me. And please excuse the mess in the background, I had way to many people at my house these past few days, and my room was not on my priority list.

I can't believe I'M so huge and I'M not quite to my 3rd month yet!! I know second baby and all but dang!!
Maybe back in the day they had the capability of doing an ultrasound at 11 weeks but I didn't know about it. So here is the picture you have been waiting for. The baby is as big as a baby carrot.

I can see the shape of the head and the makings of hands. Is that what you see? Maybe a belly?
I just cried and cried! It's so weird how it hits you when you see it or hear the heartbeat that you actually have a human being growing inside you! It's amazing!

Well I go back on March 12th for my second visit. I had them test me for Thyroid problems so we will see what the results are. But everything else is great.

That's all I have today, I got to get my house back in order so I'm off to clean like crazy, until exhaustion hits anyway. lol


Monday, February 9, 2009

The 11th week of baby.

Hi guys!! sorry I haven't been on for a while, all these kids I have been watching are keeping me quite busy. I have been feeling less moody but a little more nauseated. My friend told me about these wrist bands that have these button like things on the underside so when you where them they give like an acupuncture effect. It seems to work really well, but it's kind of uncomfortable after a while and I have to take them off. It really helps to eat a little bit every 2 hours also.
IM so excited about my first appointment this Thursday. They will get a for sure due date by checking the size of the baby. I can't wait to hear the heart beat and see the baby on the screen. I have been supper nervous about loosing it because it happened to a few of my friends around this time. But I still have all the symptoms so I feel confident that all is well. But you know just normal worries.
One thing that I know is different this pregnancy than my other is that the foods IM craving are allot healthier. I love sandwiches!!! I love turkey or ham with Swiss cheese and pickles. YUMMY!!! I eat cottage cheese and pears or peaches all the time. I can't do the sweets all that much, I tend to turn to the fruits as my sweets. My one weakness is Buffalo wings, I don't have a clue why but they always hit the spot.

This week is going to be so crazy!! Tomorrow I go with Cierra on a field trip all day. I took the day off so I could do one last field trip with her. Next year she will be in 5th grade!! I can't believe it, but I think she will think she is to old to have a parent come on field trips with her anymore, and I only get to do one a year so I always miss out on the other two kids. I decided to just alternate years to do field trips with the girls. This year with Cierra next with Ayda and next with Cheyenne.
Then my grandparents are coming in either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. IM so excited for them to come because they have never been here to visit since we moved here 4 years ago. Then Wednesday night I am helping a lady in our church, she just had hip surgery and she takes complete care of her husband because he is in a wheelchair, so now with her recovering they both need people to help out. I am going over there at 6pm and staying until 11pm. Thursday is our doc apt and right when we get home I will have 2 kids getting dropped off for me to watch. Plus Stacy's nephew is coming to stay with us until Saturday when Stacy's parents are coming into town and also staying with us. So many people going to be here and I want to spend time with the Grandparents as much as I can(there are staying in their RV btw). Saturday we are also helping a friend out because her husband is always traveling and he will be home for Valentines so we offered to take the kids overnight so they can have some time alone. We have a surprise 50th birthday party to go to for Stacy's uncle and everyone is going! It will be so much fun, but I know by the time we even get there IM going to be exhausted from this weeks schedule.
So I need you guys to wish me luck that I can pull all this stuff off and be a great and not moody host.

I hope to post pics of the ultrasound next week so check back!!!
Hope everyone is doing well!